Expressions of Interest are now being sought for the Northern Ireland Horse Board events in 2022.
Suitable venues must have the following:
Desired facilities to include:
- Minimum of two arenas and adequate warm up arena
- Variety of high-quality show jump
- Good variety materials i.e., fillers, water trays, floral decorations etc
- Secure fencing to provide safe and secure holding areas for foals.
- Photographer (ability to have one on the day)
- Suitable parking
- Suitable judges/ commentary boxes with Public Address systems and spectator areas
- Catering facilities
- Suitable toileting facilities
Health & Safety:
- Fully compliant with all Covid 19 regulations
- Sufficient hand sanitising stations and access to soap and water
- Suitable Medical cover must be provided.
- Clean standing areas that are free of debris, dog, and horse litter.
- Loose dogs and/or other animals are restrained for the day of the competition.
- Fully comply with Showjumping Ireland Health and Safety documentation
- Full event insurance cover. (Copies of Insurance cover may be requested by NIHB)
- Maximum of 10 venues will be selected.
- Class 1: Qualifiers from 80cms and 90cms classes for 1m Final
- Class 2: Qualifiers from 1m and 1.10m classes for 1.15m Final
- All double clears will qualify in 80cms and 90cms qualifiers. Maximum of 6 from each qualifying height in 1m and 1.10m classes will qualify for the final.
- The qualifiers may be incorporated into scheduled classes. Does not need to be run as standalone classes. These development classes are for all mares aged 4 years and upwards. Must have a full pedigree passport issued by a passport authority recognised by DAFM or DAERA.
- Competition must have a minimum prize fund of £100.
- Standard SJI entry fee is applicable in the qualifiers.
- Qualifying events must be run under SJI rules
- Competition Articles
- 80cms & 90cms- Article 274.5.1
- 1m & 1.10m – Article 274.5.2 or 3 (Two Phase) or 238.2.2 (Jump Off)
- Competitions may be run between April and August 2022.
- Indoor venues only will be selected.
- Venues must have sufficient arena space to for jumping ring and secure fencing
- have sufficient viewing areas for spectators.
- Suitable P.A system, may be wireless or from judges’ box.
- Catering facilities for entrants, spectators, and officials
- Venues will be permitted to charge entry fee to public
- Venue will be expected to have suitably trained arena staff
Any venue wishing to host any of the above events, or have their venue added to the NIHB Venues list must register their interest before MONDAY 28TH FEBRUARY 2022. When applying we would ask venues to specify dates that they would intend to hold the events.
To register your interest please email
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