Brexit Report
Get in TouchFAQ –
- Live animals including Equine from Great Britain to Northern Ireland
- Great Britain to Northern Ireland Export Health Certificates
Veterinary Discussion- Taken by Shane Collins
In cases of a ‘No Deal’ exit from EU, the UK have already gained the following classification.
- UK have been granted ‘Third Country Status’
- Recently UK has been granted ‘Sanitary Group A’ status, this is the least onerous of the 2 possible Categories.
- Once UK leave, the ‘Tripartite Agreement’ will not be party to any future agreement.
Traveling to EU Country from a listed 3rd Country
- Consult your vet- ideally 6 weeks before you travel
- Blood tests will be required- to prove absence of certain diseases i.e. EVA and EIA
- Meet residency and isolation requirements
- Pre-Notification Requirements
- Ensure you have the Correct Documentation
- Passport
- Export Health Certificate
- Government issued ID document (only required in some cases)
- EU Law currently states that a 3rd Country equine must enter the EU through a Border Inspection Post (BIP)
- 4 Of these now in Republic of Ireland
- Dublin Airport
- Dublin Port (NEW BIP)
- Shannon Airport
- Rosslare Port (New BIP)
- 4 Of these now in Republic of Ireland
There are currently no plans to establish a BIP along the border- this is to coincide with the Irish Governments stance that their will be no infrastructure along the border.
For Sanitary Group A, equines will need to be tested for:
- Equine Infectious Anaemia- within 30 days for permanent moves or within 90 days for temporary moves (i.e. shows) for ‘registered’ equines only.
- Equine Viral Arteritis within 21 days of travel for uncastrated male equines older than 180 days, ulness they meet other specific vaccination requirements.
APHA (Weybridge) is the only testing laboratory in UK able to cope with both tests.
AFBI (Belfast) has recently been accredited to test samples for EIA only.
Export Health Certificates (EHC)
- Before EHC can be issues, blood testing must have been carried out and results negative.
- EHC can only be issued for equines being exported from a registered equine premise
- Apply for an EHC via DECOL
- EU Law requires that an AVI (Approved Veterinary Inspector) [List of Approved Vets can be found on DAERA website] sign the EHC to authorise that the relevant animal health requirements have been met.
- ‘Non-Registered Equines’ or Ungulates will require a Government ID Document EACH TIME they move from UK to EU.
- Apply for Government ID at same time as EHC via DECOL
What is a ‘Registered’ equine
These are equines registered with an international association or organisation that manages horses for competition or racing and any purebred horse with a passport issued by an EU recognised studbook.
It isn’t anticipated that the UK’s Studbooks will be recognised immediately in the absence of a deal.
General EHC Requirements
- Equine Premises registered with DAERA.
- Equines identified correctly in accordance with appropriate legislation.
- Free of Disease or obvious signs of ectoparasite infestation.
- Is accompanied by an Owners Declaration in format specified by the EHC
- Fit to travel and arrangements made to protect health and well-being at all stages of the Journey.
- Inspected/ examined prior to certification (on the day of dispatch or, for registered horses on the last working day before dispatch).
- 15 Days prior to dispatch has not been in contact with infectious or contagious equines [isolation controls]
- Holding and area of dispatch not under disease restriction.
Specific Equine Health Cert
8336- Temporary Admission of Registered Horses into Union for a period of less than 90 days.
- Applies only to registered horses
- Have a period of residency in UK
- Confirmed vaccination status [Vaccinated or Non-Vaccinated] for AHS (African Horse Sickness) and VEE (Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis) [Vaccination is not permitted under UK law- Passport needs checked to ensure Vaccine hasn’t been given]
- Negative result for EIA – Coggins/ELISA within 90 days of dispatch
- Stallions over 180 days- Testing for EVA- within 21 days of dispatch
- Kept separate from other equines not certified until dispatch
- Transported to EU in a clean and disinfected vehicle.
- Owner must declare on OD where the horse will be accommodated while in the EU and date of scheduled exit from EU.
8335- Export to the EU of an individual registered horse, registered equine animals or equine animals for breeding and production.
- Can be used for registered and non-registered equines which comply with the conditions of the certificate.
- Non-Registered Horses will require an additional Government ID document
- The animal must be resident under Veterinary Supervision on holdings in either the UK and/or the EU27 for at least 90 days prior to certification
- 30 days pre export isolation period
- Confirmed vaccination status [Vaccinated or Non-Vaccinated] for AHS (African Horse Sickness) and VEE (Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis) [Vaccination is not permitted under UK law- Passport needs checked to ensure Vaccine hasn’t been given]
- Negative result for EIA –within 90 days of dispatch
- Kept separate from other equines not certified until dispatch
- Transported to EU in a clean and disinfected vehicle.
8334- Re Entry into the EU for registered horses for racing, competition and cultural events after temporary export for a period of less than 30 days.
- Option open only to registered horses returning to EU after entering UK specifically for competition/ racing or cultural events.
- Absence of clinical signs of disease only- no additional blood tests (Veterinary Attestation from own vet may be required)
- Date of import from EU confirmed and less than 30 days since EU export
- Residency since exit from the EU on registered holdings under veterinary supervision accommodated in stables isolated from horses not of the same health status except during racing, competition or cultural event.
- EU may require this certification to be based on a veterinary attestation in addition to owner declaration.
Equine Event guidance where EU (ROI) participation after a no deal EU exit is anticipated.
- Organisers of events where movement currently occurs under terms of the TPA will need to take steps to prepare for a potential no deal!
- An EHC completed by an AVI will be required to facilitate the move back to the EU
- Establish contact with an equine approved AVI
- Register your event venue with DAERA
- Create a Designated Export Isolation Facility
- Advise participants from outside NI of the requirements.
- Rules relating to EU to UK imports will not change after a no deal exit.
- ROI to NI moves will be unaffected- passport like before. Re Entry to EU will require EHC [Veterinary Attestation]
- Equines originating in the EU will not have to enter the UK Via a BIP
- Process of notifying DAERA of import will change for those animals that currently require it.
- EU horses that travel on ITACH’s or DOCOMS need to email notification to DAERA Trade Branch at least 24 hours before arrival into UK
- Same rule applies for 3rd Country equine arriving at EU BIP
- 3rd Country horses that arrive in UK will need to use IPAFFS
- Health Certificates and other documentation currently used for imports into the EU accepted in NI for 6 months after exit.
Passport Discussion- Taken by Nichola Connery
- Equine Identification Regulations (NI) 2019 – legislation will not change as a result of the exit.
- Legislation requires all horses residing in Northern Ireland to be registered with the UK Central Database (CED).
- DAERA/ DEFRA jointly working on data transfer to ROI PIO’s (Passport Issuing Organisations) to ensure compliance. ** HSI are dragging their feet in releasing information from HSI passports to UK CED**
Under a ‘no deal exit’:
- Holders of passports that were issued by a PIO in an EU member state, ‘rather than the UK’ should satisfy themselves that their horse is up-to-date in the UK CED.
***HSI passported horses or horses with white ISH/NIHB passports may not be on the database. Please check with NIHB to check, if not please call in with the passport and NIHB will get your horse added to the database. ***
- If you wish to obtain a passport in a member state, you should seek advice from the appropriate authority in the member state.
Q & A available at
Transporting Horses Post ‘No Deal’- Take by Christopher Andrews
- In January 2018, the EU Commission said that once the UK becomes a 3rd Country, they will no longer recognise any transporter authorisations issued by the UK (Including those issued by DAERA)
- UK Government advice is that transporters that wish to continue to transport live animals into and within the EU will need to appoint a representative in an EU member state.
- Apply to the relevant Government body in a Member State to obtain transporter authorisation, a certificate of competence and if required vehicle approval.
- UK issued approvals and documentation will remain valid within the UK only.
NB: A transporter is any mover of animal for financial incentive, so a jeep and horse box going to a show, can be referred to as a transporter, as they may increase that value of their animal, provide a ‘shop window’ for purchasers or they may win prizemoney.
- DAERA facility for online EHC applications
- Currently being used for exports outside of EU
- Minimum 3 days’ notice must be given- applications are processed in DAERA regional offices
- Certifying Officer reviews application and signs certification
- Certificates are collected from DAERA regional offices.
After ‘No Deal Exit’
- Demand for certificates are likely to rise from current levels of 18,000 per annum to 1.9 million per annum.
- DECOL system will have to become multi lingual
- Certification can be done by VO, AVI’s and in limited cases DAERA Fish Health Inspectors or Council Environmental Health Officers
Do I need an Export Health Certificate?
- All persons responsible for the importation of consignments of live animals must notify the Department a minimum of 24 hours in advance of shipping by email submission and submitting a Common Veterinary Entry Document (CVED-A) via TRACES.
- Live animals coming from the UK must be accompanied by a valid original Veterinary Health certificate.
- No registration is required at present
- Forms are held centrally, look up form filer for the specific EHC forms you may require.
- It is crucial that you use the Notes for Guidance
- Download the template to your own computer, and complete as much as you can.
- Once submitted you will be given a reference number- this number is also the Export Certificate Number
- Confirmation of application is sent to your email address also.
- DECOL applications must be made a minimum of 3 days before export
- BIP- must be informed of arrival 24 hours before attending
***Electronic copies of the EHC need to be uploaded to TRACES- this will commence the 24hour notice process needed before arrival at a BIP