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 Br hsi for NI Horse Board

The Northern Ireland Horse Board is a registered Co-operative Society for people involved in the horse industry in Northern Ireland. It has been formed to give breeders a voice in decisions relating to the Irish Horse Register and in the future direction of breeding in the Irish Sport Horse Industry.


Our Breeding Objectives:

  • To maintain the Irish Horse Register in Northern Ireland
  • To provide registration at affordable prices
  • To encourage greater use of the IHR by NI breeders
  • To improve the quality of stock bred in Northern Ireland
  • To work closely with the Irish Horse Board in areas of mutual benefit
  • To identify and publicise successful NI bred horses

Our Sporting Objectives:

The Northern Ireland Horse Board will promote lifelong involvement in equestrian sport and physical activity.  With a view to delivering an active, healthy, resilient, and inclusive society which recognises and values both participation and excellence.

 NIHB aim to deliver is objective by: 

  • Increasing participation and accessibility in Equestrian sport
  • Highlighting the benefits of Horse Riding as a leisure pursuit.
  • Promote the benefits of Equine Assisted Therapy (EAT) and Equine Assisted Learning (EAL)
  • Assist in the development of the Northern Ireland Equine Strategy.
  • Assist Sport Northern Ireland with their ‘Active Living’ programme and to assist in the Government’s commitment to put in place effective structures and mechanisms in support of playing sports and physical activity accessible for all.

Board Representation

As a registered Co-operative Society, the board of directors will be elected by members at the AGM. The board will consist of twelve members, three of whom will be elected every year. Each will therefore serve a four-year term.


NIHB Board of Directors for 2024/2025  

Mr Hugh McCusker-  Chairman
Mr Sam Smyth- Vice Chairman 
Mr Des Stewart- Honorary Treasurer
Ms Joanne Jarden
Ms Judy Maxwell
Mrs Valerie McCallister
Mr Paddy Traynor
Mr Tom McGuigan
Mr Eamonn Rice 
Ms Allison Mercer- Horse Sport Ireland Industry Director &  NIHB Representative to HSI Breeding and Production Advisory Forum.   
Ms Grace Irwin


NIHB Office Administrator

Mr Christopher Bogle, NIHB Representative to HSI Breeding & Production Forum and HSI Sport and Recreation Forum 
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